Amusat Sodiq
2 min readFeb 11, 2022


Why you should Audit NFT WIth HashEx?

NFTs are basically crypto tokens managed on blockchains. The function of an NFT is based on underlying smart contracts. If you’re like me, you may be wondering what are smart contracts and how do they influence NFTs? After a bit of research, here’s what I discovered

Smart contracts are central to the functioning of non-fungible tokens. They are primarily pieces of software code that allow the network to store the information in a transparent and immutable manner. Ultimately, these codes are what control these digital assets known as NFTs.

What’s an NFT?

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It is a type of digital token which is unique and scarce. An NFT is essentially a unique proof of ownership of something, usually a digital asset. NFTs are digital versions of physical collector’s items and no two NFTs are the same.

Smart Contract Audit

Smart contracts are one of the most powerful features of blockchain technology. Smart Contracts are prone to vulnerabilities, security risks, inefficiencies, misbehaviour and bugs which, if left undetected, can at best lead to unintended consequences and at worst leave the door open to a malicious actor creating irreparable damage to the project.

Why is an audit of your NFT so important?

smart contracts are a constant target of hackers. So it’s easy to see how taking preemptive measures can be relevant, because NFTs are as vulnerable as regular tokens, if not more.


The world of NFT smart contracts is full of traps that put the security of your project at risk. HashEx knows the most effective formulas to protect you from threats and help find and resolve potential issues in your code.


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Amusat Sodiq

Serial Investor/Certified Biochemist/Blockchain Enthusiast/Content Creator/Crypto Evangelist/ Ambassador @conservation @cryptExlocker